Building AMR awareness together
Who we are
Over 50 leaders working in health care, research and education, non-profits, and public health programs unite with coordination from NCCID to tackle AMR. Learn more about us.
Campaign with us
Spread helpful information to combat AMR, a growing crisis in Canada and the world.
Webinar series for health professionals
Register for the next CAN AMS! webinar for information on interventions that CAN help slow AMR.
What is AMR?
Antimicrobial resistance occurs when microbes develop the ability to resist the effects of medications that used to work against them.
Be AMR Aware
Learn more about antimicrobial resistance, why it matters, and how we can all help.
What you can do
Everyone can help! Here are three ways to start.
Do your best to prevent infections
Help prevent and stop the spread of infections. Fewer infections lead to less use of antibiotics overall, reducing the pressure on microbes to develop resistance.
Guard against antibiotic overuse
To slow AMR, help reduce unnecessary use of antibiotics that drive resistance.
Learn about responsible antimicrobial use
When an antibiotic or other antimicrobial is necessary and prescribed, we can all help ensure appropriate use.